This short introduction to Git is aimed for SVN users:
It matches the Git commands and actions to the corresponding SVN commands and usage patterns. Enjoy!
apt-get tips and tricks
Here is a link to a nice and short guide to some of the more seldom used features of debian’s apt package manager: migrated
I just wanted to let you know that I finished the migration of
The license server now offers these licenses on these ports:
- matlab: 27000
- maple:27001
- quartus: 27002
- ccs4: 27003
New URL of the NES Intranet wiki
I just wanted to let you know, that we moved the NES Intranet wiki from to The new wiki has the same content and functionality of the old one (well actually more, as the login should work again). Please try to login and see if it works. Should you experience any problems, please send an e-mail to The SSL certificate is currently self-signed and will prompt for an security exception. I will try to get a ‘real’ certificate as soon as possbile.
New Request Tracker
We now have a new request tracker/trouble ticket system. If you have any technical problems, please send an e-mail to You will receive an autoreply that acknowledges the reception of the e-mail and also gives you an unique ticket number to which you can refer. If the ticket is resolved, closed, etc. you will also get a short e-mail notice. The new system will ensure that no requests are forgotten or lost and that the whole technical team can see the status of a ticket. All members of the technical team will receive a copy of your request and we will try to resolve all issues as fast as possible.
How to enable concurrent sessions on windows machines
This enables multiple concurrent users on Windows 7:
- enable remote desktop login in the control panel
- install the UniversalTermsrvPatch
- create multiple user accounts
- each user can access the machine via remote desktop concurrently
Full explanation at
Update: to make it work under Windows 11, check out
Reverse the lines of a file
Sometimes one needs things that cannot be done with a built-in function of Word or Libre Office Writer.
I needed to reverse the lines of a file. The IMHO most elegant solution to do this was:
cat -n myfile | sort -nr | cut -c 8- > outfile.txt
Basically it is enumerating the lines of the file, sorting them in reverse order and then cutting away the numbers. Isn’t bash beautiful?
Of course, Linux also has dedicated command to reverse the lines of a file, it is called tac (‘cat’ reversed).
As of today we have 5 days worth of backups for all the important servers in the DMZ. We still working on finding and configuring the resources to make a regular backup of the internal servers as well.
Collaborative online writepads
You probably know this situation: you are in a chat or a telecon discussing some subject that needs some writing/showing to your communication partners.
Thanks to Web 2.0, there exist several solutions to that problem:
- you could collaboratively edit a google docs document
- for a simple and quick solution for editing plain text you can use
They work without registration – just send your partners the link to your pad
- or CollabEdit if you want to discuss a piece of code with syntax highlighting (no registration required)
- or, if you need to include drawings and images, there is CoSketch that can also be used without registration
Of course, all these services are hosted externally, so you have to consider, what secret information you might disclose by using one of these services. However, there might be the same issue if you are using your whiteboard in your office without cleaning it afterwards – only that the cleaning lady might be less interested in your secrets than google and others.
Using Kanban
Kanban (japanese: “board”) is a method for scheduling work and production is an efficient and creative way. The method was originally devised by Toyota for car manufacturing.
Our Kanban system contains multiple bins for scheduling and organizing the work of our technical team for your convenience. It is a tool, being physically installed in our room, for our internal communication. The intention is thus to augment the organization of our teamwork but not to be a dropbox for new tasks. For this, we are planning to install a helpdesk system where you can submit your needs and requests electronically.
You became interested in Kanban? Read more about Kanban at Wikipedia: or get the book “Kanban” von David J. Anderson.