Merge Password-Protected PDF files

Sometimes, PDF files—like those from book chapters—come password-protected to prevent editing, which also stops you from merging them without knowing the password. If printing is allowed, you can work around this by printing the file to PDF, but this creates a new PDF where the text is no longer selectable or searchable. While you could re-OCR the file, a much better solution is to use an old yet powerful tool: Ghostscript, originally developed by Adobe.

Ghostscript allows you to manipulate PDF files easily, including merging multiple PDFs into one. For example, to merge three PDFs named 1.pdf, 2.pdf, and 3.pdf, you can run the following command:

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf

Here’s what the parameters mean:-dBATCH: Tells Ghostscript to process all files and then exit (batch mode).-dNOPAUSE: Disables pauses between processing each page (no manual intervention required).-q: Runs the command quietly, suppressing most of the output messages.-sDEVICE=pdfwrite: Specifies that the output should be written as a PDF.-sOutputFile=merged.pdf: Defines the name of the resulting merged file.

If you have many files that are consecutively named (e.g., 1.pdf to 100.pdf), you can generate the file list dynamically in the command line, like this:

gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf $(seq -f "%g.pdf" 1 100)

Note that the gs tool takes considerable time to handle so many entries, but this approach saves your time after all.

Starting a local Webserver for Testing

Easiest way is to open a console window in what you would like to have as root directory of your webserver and start

python -m http.server

Then, by serving to you will be able to view and browse the contents.

To specify a port, just add the port number to the command, for example

python -m http.server 9999

Please not that this webserver does not support https, so you have to enter the URL with a starting http:// and you might have to click away a browser warning because of the unsecured site.

Therefore, only use this for local testing!

filegive: send and receive files across computers

filegive easily sends or receives files point-to-point, with authentication and ciphering, and the other side only needs a Web browser. No third party server is involved in the transfer. It can use common NAT traversal protocols like uPnP and NAT-PMP, manually forwarded ports, or a public ssh server.

filegive is a commandline tool available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS.

Project page with commands and download links

Missing fonts when starting X-application on Linux

Recently, I got the following error message when I tried to start an X-application under Linux:

Some fonts seem to be missing in your system, you should install either xfonts-100dpi or xfonts-75dpi and then restart Xorg to get xboard running.

I got this error message despite having the packages xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi installed. After scratching my head for some time I found the problem: I was running the application via ssh with X-forwarding from a Windows PC. And the Xserver was actually running on Windows, namely the Xming application.
The problem was quickly fixed by downloading the font packages from the Xming page.

How does a computer get infected with a virus or spyware?

Unfortunately, it became quite easy nowadays to infect your computer with malware:

  1. Accepting some plug-in or toolbar installation
  2. Opening email attachments “thesisgenerator.exe”
  3. Not running the latest updates on the operating system, the browser, etc.
  4. Installing software or media from unknown sources
  5. Running your system without a firewall

Sometimes, webpages try to scare users to install a trojan. For example, there exists a trojan version of the program MacSweeper, which promises to clean your system 😛

More on the topic: