filegive: send and receive files across computers

filegive easily sends or receives files point-to-point, with authentication and ciphering, and the other side only needs a Web browser. No third party server is involved in the transfer. It can use common NAT traversal protocols like uPnP and NAT-PMP, manually forwarded ports, or a public ssh server.

filegive is a commandline tool available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS.

Project page with commands and download links

Connection from Mac OSX Mavericks to Windows

Solution provided by Prof.Bettstetter:

After installing OS X Mavericks on a Mac, you can no longer connect from this Mac to a Windows share.


On the MAC: System preference (Systemeinstellungen) -> Sharing (Freigabe) -> File Sharing (Dateifreigabe) in the left side vertical bar -> Options (Optionen). Read the note about „Windows-Dateifreigabe“ and chose the user of your choice.

You may also test to uncheck the Share files and folders using SMB and check the Share files and folders using AFP checked.


OS X Mavericks

Apple released yesterday the newest build of Mac OSX called Mavericks ( ).
The Update is for free. If you use Matlab you may get Problems with the X11. The solution is rather simple:

just install the package from


Missing fonts when starting X-application on Linux

Recently, I got the following error message when I tried to start an X-application under Linux:

Some fonts seem to be missing in your system, you should install either xfonts-100dpi or xfonts-75dpi and then restart Xorg to get xboard running.

I got this error message despite having the packages xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi installed. After scratching my head for some time I found the problem: I was running the application via ssh with X-forwarding from a Windows PC. And the Xserver was actually running on Windows, namely the Xming application.
The problem was quickly fixed by downloading the font packages from the Xming page.

How does a computer get infected with a virus or spyware?

Unfortunately, it became quite easy nowadays to infect your computer with malware:

  1. Accepting some plug-in or toolbar installation
  2. Opening email attachments “thesisgenerator.exe”
  3. Not running the latest updates on the operating system, the browser, etc.
  4. Installing software or media from unknown sources
  5. Running your system without a firewall

Sometimes, webpages try to scare users to install a trojan. For example, there exists a trojan version of the program MacSweeper, which promises to clean your system 😛

More on the topic:

Software news

The following software products are now available:

  • Matlab 2013a TeWi License – find it at \\filesrv\software\matlab
  • Maple 16 – find it at \\filesrv\software\maple


Code Mocking

Did you just start on your job and had to take over an implementation from a previous colleague? Welcome to Code Mocking!

“Code Mocking is an engineering tradition, which happens whenever a software project is handed to a new engineer”

Of course, the old code is always written very badly compared to your standards 😉

From Dilbert by Scott Adams:

How to test the thread limit on Linux

/* compile with: gcc -pthread -o thread-limit thread-limit.c */
/* originally from: */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAX_THREADS 100000
int i;

void run(void) {
char c;
if (i < 10)
printf(“Address of c = %u KB\n”, (unsigned int) &c / 1024);
sleep(60 * 60);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int rc = 0;
pthread_t thread[MAX_THREADS];
printf(“Creating threads …\n”);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS && rc == 0; i++) {
rc = pthread_create(&(thread[i]), NULL, (void *) &run, NULL);
if (rc == 0) {
if ((i + 1) % 1000 == 0)
printf(“%i threads so far …\n”, i + 1);
printf(“Failed with return code %i creating thread %i.\n”,
rc, i + 1);

Additional information

If you are an administrator of a server, you can configure various limits in /etc/security/limits.conf

New simulation server: roadrunner


Computation speed for a parallizable numbercrunching problem: red:our new server, blue:two other servers, green:a fast laptop in comparison

The institute has a new number cruncher at your service!

It can run up to 24 parallel threads and is now our fastest server.

You can log in with your university LDAP account, the server is only available from NES network (or via VPN). It runs Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and provides the same software set up as feynman.