You probably know this situation: you are in a chat or a telecon discussing some subject that needs some writing/showing to your communication partners.
Thanks to Web 2.0, there exist several solutions to that problem:
- you could collaboratively edit a google docs document
- for a simple and quick solution for editing plain text you can use
They work without registration – just send your partners the link to your pad
- or CollabEdit if you want to discuss a piece of code with syntax highlighting (no registration required)
- or, if you need to include drawings and images, there is CoSketch that can also be used without registration
Of course, all these services are hosted externally, so you have to consider, what secret information you might disclose by using one of these services. However, there might be the same issue if you are using your whiteboard in your office without cleaning it afterwards – only that the cleaning lady might be less interested in your secrets than google and others.