Gendering Add-In for Microsoft Office Word 2010

In der deutschen Sprache geschlechtergerecht zu formulieren ist nicht immer einfach. Auf Initiative des österreichischen Frauenministeriums und Microsoft Österreich wurde nun vom Wiener IT-Unternehmen Rubicon ein Werkzeug für Microsoft Word entwickelt welches Texte auf einer gendersensible Schreibweise überprüft.

Das Gendering-Add-in steht als Open-Source-Software unter kostenlos zur Verfügung.

Telling Eclipse to ignore .svn folders

eclipse usually builds the .class files in a seperate binary folder named bin. Therefore it copies the directory structure and files from the src folders, which means that eventual .svn folders are duplicated in the bin tree, leading to irritation among subversion clients such as TortoiseSVN.

In order to overcome the problem, you can add .svn as a filtered resource. Open the properties dialog for your workspace or for your project, go to: Java Compiler | Building and add “.svn” to the list of ‘Filtered resources:’ under ‘Output folder’.

How to enable concurrent sessions on windows machines

This enables multiple concurrent users on Windows 7:

  • enable remote desktop login in the control panel
  • install the UniversalTermsrvPatch
  • create multiple user accounts
  • each user can access the machine via remote desktop concurrently

Full explanation at

Update: to make it work under Windows 11, check out

Collaborative online writepads

You probably know this situation: you are in a chat or a telecon discussing some subject that needs some writing/showing to your communication partners.

Thanks to Web 2.0, there exist several solutions to that problem:

  • you could collaboratively edit a google docs document
  • for a simple and quick solution for editing plain text you can use

    They work without registration – just send your partners the link to your pad

  • or CollabEdit if you want to discuss a piece of code with syntax highlighting (no registration required)
  • or, if you need to include drawings and images, there is CoSketch that can also be used without registration

Of course, all these services are hosted externally, so you have to consider, what secret information you might disclose by using one of these services. However, there might be the same issue if you are using your whiteboard in your office without cleaning it afterwards – only that the cleaning lady might be less interested in your secrets than google and others.